Just before the snowball came my way. This was before we realized we were headed down the wrong road.
It was a beautiful wrong road.
More wrong turn. We quit taking pictures after we realized how far off course we were.
Our first entry sign into Alaska. We didn't even bother when we came across at the right location. This one at the Haines Crossing was probably the last picture of the day. Our hurry to cover a lot of miles started about here.
Pictures are from different folders, so not in order. This and Curt throwing snowball from BB's camera. Others from GB's.
Another stop...at Haines Highway Simmit this time.
June 14, Whitehorse, YT to Tok, AK
We started out in rain and 42 degrees and saw 7 horses,(on the highway) five that looked pretty wild and two that had the humiliation of cow bells around their necks, one deer, one elk cow, and a gazillion prairie dogs. The prairie dogs were stretched out on their bellies on the warm pavement sunning themselves. They scattered in every direction as Curt dodged through the herd. It was quite a site. It has also been determined that the Alaska Highway was built as a toilet for wild animals, so add one more thing to the objects we dodge daily on the road, piles of animal poop.
We had one minor 236 mile detour which turned our day into a roughly 640 mile trip. But, at least we got to practice border crossings. The border guards seemed to derive great pleasure in informing us that we had missed our turn and would need to retrace 118 miles of our travels to get back on course. We got the pleasure of watching them have to stand there in the mosquitoes explaining it all to us. Plus, we got to see and photograph some awesome venues that were as impressive as anything we have seen so far. We stopped and stomped around in the snow (ice snow), and were blessed with some gorgeous weather during the detour.
The day turned into partly cloudy skies and 68 degrees. The folks at Haines Junction were glad to see us both times we stopped there for gas. They had obviously heard we were coming because they had lined the road with purple and gold wildflowers. It screamed welcome Tiger fans.
We found a room at the Snowshoe Fine Arts Motel in Tok, AK and ate dinner at Fast Eddie's Restaurant down at Young's Motel(no room in their inn).
This was our econd longest riding day, about 14 hours of riding time. The road for the last approximately 150 mile in Canada were shall we say challenging. Frost heave, potholes, ruts, mud, gravel and plenty of dust. And we did our part to reduce the insect population of northern Yukon and Alaska.
We are both battered and exhausted from this days travel so this blog will be brief. Snore..........
BB and GB
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