Monday, July 5, 2010

Oregon Pacific Coast, July 5, 2010

Well, it's late and this will be short, but we had another great day.  GB and I covered about 425 miles today.  We left our motel about 5:45 this morning(you guessed the rain) and got through Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia before 8:00am.  We rolled into the Mt St. Helen's Visitor Centor just in time to see the video presentation, the wandered around for about a half hour before hitting the road again.  The clouds were lingering, so we did not ride the additional distance to the volcano.  We were told we would not be able to see it until the weather cleared.  The fun really started after we got over on to Hwy 101.  For any of you that think 4th of July traffic is bad, you should see the Pacific coast traffic in Oregon for GB's birthday.  We spent a rather significant part of the day moving forward a few feet at a time on the bikes.  Not a lot of fun even in 65 degrees.  The ride was beautiful once we cleared the traffic, and we made several stops and took some pics along the way.  We are in Yachats, Oregon at the Fireside Resort Motel tonight.  We had dinner at a restuarant down the beach about a quarter mile and the returned to our motel to grab the cameras for a few pictures of the sunset off of the Oregon coast.  Absolutely spectacular!!!
I'll throw in a few pics, and then it's bedtime and some rest in preparation for some redwood tree hunting tomorrow.
best to all from the dynamic duo...da bears

The throngs heading to see GB arrive at the Pacific Ocean and to celebrate his birthday.

Celebrating our arrival at the Pacific Ocean.

Contemplating the beauty of it all.

Final light...good night to all.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What an amazing sunset! It reminds me of the days when I was your traveling buddy! I don't know what Rube and I are going to do with you guys when you get home and all you have to look forward to is HONEY-DO's! The list continues to grow! Enjoy the remainder of your vacation ~ sadly, you will be yanked back to reality SOON!
